#1079 Developing Two Robots to Play Tag and Keep-Away, plus Dodge Ball
#1079 Developing Two Robots to Play Tag and Keep-Away, plus Dodge Ball #1079 Be serious, but think innovatively: I want to program two robots, like Wall-e and BB-8 to interact, possibly chasing each other, play tag and keep-away. How could the two robots be programmed to transition between chaser and chasie mode depending on the circumstance, so that the movements and interactions would always be different over time. Assume a clear working enviroment like a gymnasium floor. Be Serious, but think innovatively: To program two robots like Wall-e and BB-8 to interact in a dynamic way, you'll need a combination of hardware and software components. Here are the facts and some innovative ideas: Hardware Requirements: Sensors: Both robots would need a variety of sensors to perceive their environment and each other. These could include ultrasonic sensors for distance measurement, cameras for computer vision, and IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units) for orientation. Actuators: Motors to contro...