#2710 Custom GPT: Refactor "Opportunities Sequence" to Individual GPTs
#2710 Custom GPT: Refactor "Opportunities Sequence" to Individual GPTs #2710 Assess the following single-GPT instructions and break them up into several custom GPT instruction sets, the GPTs to be executed in sequence based on the user's initial input. Instrunctions: """.. .. ..Opportunities Sequence GPT Instructions.. .. ..""" Here’s a breakdown of the original instruction into several custom GPT instruction sets, each tailored for a specific stage of the task sequence. These custom GPTs should be executed in sequence based on the user's initial input: Custom GPT 1: Industry Selection and Opportunity Identification Instructions: Ask the user for the industry, sector, or user group they want to focus on. Identify the current challenges and inefficiencies within the specified industry, sector, or user group. Provide detailed examples of processes, products, or services where innovation is most needed. List emerging trends and technologi...