#365 Regular Expression for Given Text Pattern

#365 Regular Expression for Given Text Pattern

#365 What is the regular expression for the text pattern like the string "[--New_Session 20230128_224320 --]"?

The regular expression for the text pattern like the string "[--New_Session 20230128_224320 --]" would be:

[--New_Session \d{8}_\d{6} --]


[ and --] match the square brackets at the beginning and end of the string

--New_Session matches the text "--New_Session"

\d{8} matches any 8 digits (20230128 in the example)

_ matches the underscore character

\d{6} matches any 6 digits (224320 in the example)

-- matches the text "--"

Provide sample python code to apply this to a string

Here is an example of how you could use the regular expression to match the pattern in a string in Python:

import re

string = "[--New_Session 20230128_224320 --]"

pattern = r"\[--New_Session \d{8}_\d{6} --\]"

match = re.search(pattern, string)

if match:

    print("Matched pattern:", match.group())


    print("No match found.")

This code uses the re module to search for the pattern in the string. The search() function returns a match object if a match is found, and None if no match is found. The group() method of the match object returns the matched string.

If you want to check for multiple matches in the string you can use the finditer() function instead of search() function and it will return an iterator yielding match objects, so you can use for loop to check all the matches.

import re

string = "[--New_Session 20230128_224320 --] [--New_Session 20230128_224320 --] "

pattern = r"\[--New_Session \d{8}_\d{6} --\]"

matches = re.finditer(pattern, string)

for match in matches:

    print("Matched pattern:", match.group())


Additionally, you can use the findall() function to return a list of all matches in the string, rather than just the first match. Here is an example of how you could use it:

import re

string = "[--New_Session 20230128_224320 --] [--New_Session 20230128_224320 --] "

pattern = r"\[--New_Session \d{8}_\d{6} --\]"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)

if matches:

    print("Matched patterns:", matches)


    print("No match found.")

This will print out:

Matched patterns: ['[--New_Session 20230128_224320 --]', '[--New_Session 20230128_224320 --]']

You can also use the sub() function to replace the matched pattern with a new string. Here is an example of how you could use it:

import re

string = "[--New_Session 20230128_224320 --] [--New_Session 20230128_224320 --] "

pattern = r"\[--New_Session \d{8}_\d{6} --\]"

new_string = re.sub(pattern, "Session ID", string)


This will print out:

Session ID Session ID

So it replaced all the matched patterns with "Session ID"

So, depending on what you want to do with the matched pattern, you can use any of these functions search(), finditer(), findall(), sub() from the re module in Python.

From <https://chat.openai.com/chat>


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