#581 Code for a 2D/360-degree LIDAR on a Tilt Platform to Calculate the Point Cloud

#581 Code for a 2D/360-degree LIDAR on a Tilt Platform to Calculate the Point Cloud

#581 I want to place a 2D 360-degree rotation LIDAR on a tilt platform. The LIDAR would spin at a constant rate of N_RPM.  The platform would tilt back and forth at N_Degrees_per_Second. Provide example python code to calculate x,y,z for the point cloud gathered by the LIDAR.

To calculate the x, y, z coordinates for a point cloud gathered by a 2D 360-degree rotation LIDAR on a tilt platform, you can use the following steps:

Define the parameters:

N_RPM: The rotation speed of the LIDAR in revolutions per minute

N_Degrees_per_Second: The tilt speed of the platform in degrees per second

LIDAR_resolution: The resolution of the LIDAR in terms of number of points per revolution

LIDAR_range: The maximum range of the LIDAR in meters

LIDAR_noise: The standard deviation of the Gaussian noise added to the LIDAR measurements

Calculate the time it takes for the LIDAR to complete one revolution:

T_rev = 60 / N_RPM

Define the angle increment between consecutive LIDAR measurements:

delta_theta = 360 / LIDAR_resolution

Define the angle range of the LIDAR measurements:

theta_range = (0, 360)

Define the tilt angle range of the platform:

tilt_range = (-90, 90)

Define the time range of the LIDAR measurements:

time_range = (0, T_rev)

Generate a grid of angles for the LIDAR measurements:

theta_grid = np.arange(theta_range[0], theta_range[1], delta_theta)

Generate a grid of tilt angles for the platform:

tilt_grid = np.arange(tilt_range[0], tilt_range[1], N_Degrees_per_Second * T_rev / 360)

Generate a grid of time values for the LIDAR measurements:

time_grid = np.linspace(time_range[0], time_range[1], LIDAR_resolution)

Generate a meshgrid of the three dimensions:

theta_mesh, tilt_mesh, time_mesh = np.meshgrid(theta_grid, tilt_grid, time_grid)

Calculate the x, y, z coordinates of each point in the point cloud:

x_mesh = LIDAR_range * np.sin(np.radians(theta_mesh)) * np.cos(np.radians(tilt_mesh))

y_mesh = LIDAR_range * np.cos(np.radians(theta_mesh)) * np.cos(np.radians(tilt_mesh))

z_mesh = LIDAR_range * np.sin(np.radians(tilt_mesh))

Add Gaussian noise to the x, y, z coordinates:

x_mesh += np.random.normal(scale=LIDAR_noise, size=x_mesh.shape)

y_mesh += np.random.normal(scale=LIDAR_noise, size=y_mesh.shape)

z_mesh += np.random.normal(scale=LIDAR_noise, size=z_mesh.shape)

Reshape the x, y, z coordinates into a 2D array of shape (LIDAR_resolution * len(tilt_grid), 3):

point_cloud = np.vstack([x_mesh.flatten(), y_mesh.flatten(), z_mesh.flatten()]).T

Here is the Python code that implements the above steps:

import numpy as np

N_RPM = 10

N_Degrees_per_Second = 1

LIDAR_resolution = 360

LIDAR_range = 10

LIDAR_noise = 0.1

T_rev = 60 / N_RPM

delta_theta = 360 / LIDAR_resolution

theta_range = (0, 360)

tilt_range = (-90, 90)

time_range = (0, T_rev)

theta_grid = np.arange(theta_range[0], theta_range[1], delta_theta)

tilt_grid = np.arange(tilt_range[0], tilt_range[1], N_Degrees_per_Second * T_rev / 360)

time_grid = np.linspace(time_range[0], time_range[1], LIDAR_resolution)

theta_mesh, tilt_mesh, time_mesh = np.meshgrid(theta_grid, tilt_grid, time_grid)

x_mesh = LIDAR_range * np.sin(np.radians(theta_mesh)) * np.cos(np.radians(tilt_mesh))

y_mesh = LIDAR_range * np.cos(np.radians(theta_mesh)) * np.cos(np.radians(tilt_mesh))

z_mesh = LIDAR_range * np.sin(np.radians(tilt_mesh))

x_mesh += np.random.normal(scale=LIDAR_noise, size=x_mesh.shape)

y_mesh += np.random.normal(scale=LIDAR_noise, size=y_mesh.shape)

z_mesh += np.random.normal(scale=LIDAR_noise, size=z_mesh.shape)

point_cloud = np.vstack([x_mesh.flatten(), y_mesh.flatten(), z_mesh.flatten()]).T

This code generates a point cloud with the x, y, z coordinates for each point. You can then use this point cloud for further processing or visualization. Note that this code assumes that the LIDAR and platform are synchronized, meaning that the LIDAR measurements are taken at the same time for each tilt angle. If this is not the case, additional synchronization code would be required.

Would there be an advantage or disadvantage to placing the LIDAR spinning in a horizon plane on a turntable spinning in a vertical plane?

Placing a LIDAR spinning in a horizontal plane on a turntable spinning in a vertical plane would provide some advantages and disadvantages compared to a LIDAR on a tilt platform.


  • Increased coverage: The turntable allows for a wider coverage area as the LIDAR can cover a full 360-degree horizontal scan while also covering the vertical plane.
  • Reduced blind spots: A turntable-based LIDAR system can have fewer blind spots as the LIDAR can scan through the vertical plane, whereas a tilt-based system may have blind spots at the top and bottom of its scanning range.
  • Simpler mechanism: The mechanism required for the turntable-based system is simpler than a tilt-based system, as it only requires a single motor to spin the turntable, whereas the tilt-based system requires both a rotational and a tilting motor.


  • Reduced accuracy: A turntable-based LIDAR system can have reduced accuracy compared to a tilt-based system, as the LIDAR measurements are affected by the rotation of the turntable, which can introduce errors and distortions.
  • Increased complexity: The turntable-based system requires additional calibration and synchronization between the LIDAR and the turntable to ensure accurate measurements.
  • Reduced precision: The turntable-based system may have reduced precision compared to the tilt-based system as the turntable introduces more degrees of freedom which can increase the complexity of the system and potentially decrease precision.

Overall, whether a turntable-based LIDAR system is advantageous or disadvantageous depends on the specific use case and requirements. For applications that require wider coverage and fewer blind spots, a turntable-based system may be preferred, while for applications that require higher accuracy and precision, a tilt-based system may be preferred.

Would there be an advantage or disadvantage to placing the LIDAR spinning in a horizon plane on a chain-driven pulley that moves from the floor to a specific height?

Placing a LIDAR spinning in a horizontal plane on a chain-driven pulley that moves from the floor to a specific height would provide some advantages and disadvantages compared to a LIDAR on a tilt platform or turntable-based system.


  • Increased flexibility: The chain-driven pulley system can be more flexible in terms of the scanning range and coverage area than a tilt platform or turntable-based system. The LIDAR can be moved to any height within the range of the chain, allowing for scanning at multiple heights or angles.
  • Reduced blind spots: The chain-driven pulley system can potentially reduce blind spots compared to a tilt-based system, as it can scan through the entire vertical range.
  • Reduced complexity: The chain-driven pulley system requires fewer moving parts than a turntable-based system, making it potentially simpler and more reliable.


  • Limited coverage: The chain-driven pulley system has a limited coverage area and can only scan within the vertical range of the chain, which may not be suitable for certain applications.
  • Reduced accuracy: The chain-driven pulley system may introduce errors and distortions in the LIDAR measurements due to the movement of the LIDAR and the chain. This can be mitigated with careful calibration and synchronization but may still affect the accuracy of the measurements.
  • Limited precision: The chain-driven pulley system may have limited precision due to the movement of the chain and the LIDAR, which can introduce uncertainties in the position of the LIDAR.

Overall, whether a chain-driven pulley system is advantageous or disadvantageous depends on the specific use case and requirements. For applications that require flexibility in the scanning range and coverage area, a chain-driven pulley system may be preferred. However, for applications that require high accuracy and precision, a tilt-based or turntable-based system may be more suitable.

Would there be an advantage or disadvantage to placing the LIDAR spinning in a vertical plane on a turntable spinning in a horizontal plane? I already understand that there would be a gap in good data due to turntable blockage.

Placing a LIDAR spinning in a vertical plane on a turntable spinning in a horizontal plane would provide some advantages and disadvantages compared to a LIDAR on a tilt platform or a turntable-based system with a horizontal spinning LIDAR.


  • Increased coverage: The turntable allows for a wider coverage area as the LIDAR can cover a full 360-degree horizontal scan while also covering the vertical plane.
  • Reduced blind spots: A turntable-based LIDAR system can have fewer blind spots as the LIDAR can scan through both the horizontal and vertical planes.
  • Simpler mechanism: The mechanism required for the turntable-based system is simpler than a tilt-based system, as it only requires a single motor to spin the turntable, whereas the tilt-based system requires both a rotational and a tilting motor.


  • Reduced accuracy: A turntable-based system with a vertical spinning LIDAR can have reduced accuracy compared to a tilt-based system, as the LIDAR measurements are affected by the rotation of the turntable, which can introduce errors and distortions. Additionally, there will be a gap in the point cloud data where the turntable is blocking the LIDAR.
  • Increased complexity: The turntable-based system requires additional calibration and synchronization between the LIDAR and the turntable to ensure accurate measurements. Additionally, the data processing required to fill in the gap in the point cloud data may be more complex.
  • Reduced precision: The turntable-based system may have reduced precision compared to the tilt-based system as the turntable introduces more degrees of freedom which can increase the complexity of the system and potentially decrease precision.

Overall, whether a turntable-based system with a vertical spinning LIDAR is advantageous or disadvantageous depends on the specific use case and requirements. For applications that require wider coverage and fewer blind spots, a turntable-based system may be preferred, while for applications that require higher accuracy and precision, a tilt-based system may be preferred. However, the gap in the point cloud data caused by the turntable blockage should be taken into consideration when deciding on the system design.

From <https://chat.openai.com/chat>


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