
Showing posts from November, 2023

#1191 Asking ChatGPT to Help Me Instruct a Custom GPT

#1191 Asking ChatGPT to Help Me Instruct a Custom GPT #1191 Be serious, but help me think and plan innovatively. I need to instruct my custom GPT on the OpenAI platform to provide the user with a numbered list of potential next prompts. The list should include the bullet number, prompt description and input values required. Immediately following the list, the custom GPT should request that the user select one of the numbered bullet options and provide the input values needed for that selected prompt. In addition, once the next prompt has run, and the custom GPT has reponded to it, the custom GPT should redisplay the list. Basically loop on list, select prompt, submit prompt, respond and repeat. Be Serious, but think innovatively: The idea you've described involves creating a user interface loop within a GPT model, where the model presents a list of potential actions or prompts, accepts user input based on these options, and then continues the cycle after each interaction. Here'

#1190 Normal Things Done Here that would be Interesting to Do There

#1190 Normal Things Done Here that would be Interesting to Do There #1190 Be serious, but think innovatively: List 25 activities that are normal at ground level or above, but would also be interesting if done under water Be Serious, but think innovatively: Underwater activities often challenge the norms due to the unique physics, aesthetics, and environmental conditions found beneath the water's surface. Here are 25 activities that, while common on land or above water, could present intriguing, innovative experiences when adapted for underwater execution: Yoga: The buoyancy of water could allow for unique poses and a serene environment. Painting: Using special materials, underwater painting could explore new artistic techniques. Dance: The fluidity and resistance of water would add a new dimension to dance movements. Concerts: Underwater acoustics could create a unique sound experience. Theater Performances: Utilizing the 3D space for staging and acting. Gardening: Exploring

#1189 Custom GPT: IDEAfier - Space Program Software Assurance

#1189 Custom GPT: IDEAfier - Space Program Software Assurance #1189 List every question you can think of that a user should be interested in asking about NPR 7150.2 Certainly, users interested in NPR 7150.2 might have various questions related to its content and application. Here's a list of potential questions they might ask: 1. What is the purpose of NPR 7150.2? Inquiries about the overall goals and objectives of this NASA procedural requirement. 2. How does NPR 7150.2 apply to software development in NASA projects? Questions regarding the specific application of these guidelines in software development within NASA. 3. What are the key software assurance requirements in NPR 7150.2? Seeking details about the main requirements for software assurance as outlined in the document. 4. Can you explain the software life-cycle process defined in NPR 7150.2? Requests for clarification on the software development lifecycle as described in NPR 7150.2. 5. How does NPR 7150.2 address software

#1188 Custom GPTs

#1188 Custom GPTs #1188 Summarize the following information:  <text block from> Be Serious: OpenAI has introduced customizable versions of ChatGPT, known as GPTs, which allow users to tailor the AI for specific tasks or interests, whether for personal, professional, or public use. These GPTs can perform various functions, like web searching, image creation, and data analysis. Users can create GPTs without needing coding skills, simply by starting a conversation, giving instructions, and choosing its capabilities. This initiative is now available for ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users, with applications like Canva and Zapier AI Actions as examples. Custom Instructions were launched in July, providing some level of personalization, but the new GPTs offer a more comprehensive customization experience. The GPT Store, launching later this month, will feature user-created GPTs, with a focus on productivity

#1187 "Ugly Family Photos" Ideas

#1187 "Ugly Family Photos" Ideas #1187 Be creative. I'm sure you've heard about the ugly sweater family photo trend? Be Creative: Indeed, the ugly sweater family photo trend is a playful and whimsical tradition, especially popular during the holiday season. It involves families donning deliberately garish or over-the-top holiday-themed sweaters and posing together for a photo. The trend often embraces a sense of humor, with sweaters featuring exaggerated holiday motifs, bright colors, and sometimes even lights or sound effects. Taking this trend a step further, you could innovate by incorporating technology or interactive elements. Imagine sweaters with integrated LED displays that can be customized via a smartphone app, displaying festive messages or synchronized light shows. Another idea could be to use augmented reality (AR) filters when taking the family photo, adding virtual hats, snowflakes, or even animated reindeer that interact with the sweaters' designs.

#1186 Asking ChatGPT for Additional Custom GPT Ideas

#1186 Asking ChatGPT for Additional Custom GPT Ideas #1186 Be serious, but think innovatively: Consider the following list of custom GPTs that I am implementing on the OpenAI platform. The text includes name, description and user inputs. Suggest 10 new custom GPTs that I should design that are similar in purpose. Here is the data: <custom gpt info> Be Serious, but think innovatively: Based on your existing custom GPT models, here are ten innovative suggestions for new custom GPTs: Sustainable Innovation Explorer: Description: Explore sustainable innovations in various industries, focusing on eco-friendly and renewable solutions. User Inputs: 'Industry {name}', 'Sustainability Goal {goal}', 'Explore {technology/strategy}'. Cultural Fusion Idea Generator: Description: Generate ideas that blend different cultural elements for new products, services, or experiences. User Inputs: 'Culture {A} and {B}', 'Product/Service/Experience', 'Generate

#1185 Combing Things, Categories for

#1185 Combing Things, Categories for #1185 Be serious, but think innovatively: If I want to explore combining 3 or more entities to create a new entity, what would be good categories of entities to try to combine as such. Combining cross-category entities is encouraged, but not required. Be Serious, but Think Innovatively: When exploring the combination of three or more entities to create a new entity, considering diverse and cross-category entities can lead to innovative solutions. Here are some categories and examples that could spark unique combinations: Technology and Software: This includes AI, IoT devices, software platforms, and mobile applications. Combining these with entities from other categories can lead to innovative products or services. For example, integrating AI with healthcare devices and environmental data can create a health monitoring system that adapts to environmental changes. Biological and Environmental Sciences: This involves flora, fauna, and environmental

#1184 Custom GPT: Geography Fun

#1184 Custom GPT: Geography Fun #1184 Be serious, but think innovatively: I want to develop a custom GPT to host on the OpenAI platform that teaches kids geography. My first idea is to offer the kids a choice of travel options like A to B to C to D, then create a scanvenger hunt-like game, where the GPT describes places or things of interest throughout the travel, and the kids have to look them up and provide an answer, or if lazy, let the GPT provide each answer. Be Serious, but think innovatively: Your idea of developing a custom GPT model for teaching geography through an interactive game is both innovative and educationally promising. To enhance this concept, consider the following aspects: Customization and Adaptive Learning: Tailor the experience to each child's age, skill level, and interests. The GPT could adapt the complexity of the questions and the depth of the content based on the child's responses, ensuring a personalized learning curve. Integrating Augmented Rea

#1183 Custom GPT: Fun Kid Combos

#1183 Custom GPT: Fun Kid Combos #1183 Provide a list of 10 entries, each with 4 things a child would say is their favorite One Favorite Animal: Panda Favorite Color: Green Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Toy: LEGO Two Favorite Animal: Giraffe Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Food: Spaghetti Favorite Toy: Action Figure Three Favorite Animal: Dog Favorite Color: Red Favorite Food: Ice Cream Favorite Toy: Puzzle Four Favorite Animal: Cat Favorite Color: Yellow Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets Favorite Toy: Doll Five Favorite Animal: Dolphin Favorite Color: Purple Favorite Food: Chocolate Favorite Toy: Video Game Six Favorite Animal: Elephant Favorite Color: Orange Favorite Food: French Fries Favorite Toy: Scooter Seven Favorite Animal: Horse Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Food: Pancakes Favorite Toy: Board Game Eight Favorite Animal: Lion Favorite Color: Turquoise Favorite Food: Tacos Favorite Toy: Remote Control Car Nine Favorite Animal: Rabbit Favorite Color: Silver Favorite Food: Mac and Chee