#1191 Asking ChatGPT to Help Me Instruct a Custom GPT

#1191 Asking ChatGPT to Help Me Instruct a Custom GPT

#1191 Be serious, but help me think and plan innovatively. I need to instruct my custom GPT on the OpenAI platform to provide the user with a numbered list of potential next prompts. The list should include the bullet number, prompt description and input values required. Immediately following the list, the custom GPT should request that the user select one of the numbered bullet options and provide the input values needed for that selected prompt. In addition, once the next prompt has run, and the custom GPT has reponded to it, the custom GPT should redisplay the list. Basically loop on list, select prompt, submit prompt, respond and repeat.

Be Serious, but think innovatively: The idea you've described involves creating a user interface loop within a GPT model, where the model presents a list of potential actions or prompts, accepts user input based on these options, and then continues the cycle after each interaction. Here's a conceptual plan to implement this in a custom GPT model:

Conceptual Plan for a Looping Prompt System

Initial Prompt Generation:

The GPT model generates an initial list of numbered prompts.

Each prompt should include:

  • A bullet number.
  • A brief description of the action or query.
  • Required input values (if any).


1. Weather Forecast: Provide a city name.

2. Mathematical Problem Solver: State the problem.

3. News Summary: Specify a topic.

4. Language Translation: Enter the text and target language.

User Selection and Input:

  • After displaying the list, the GPT model should prompt the user to select an option and provide the necessary input.
  • The model needs to parse and understand the user's choice and input correctly.

Example Prompt to User:

  • Please select a number from the list above and provide the required input for your chosen prompt.

Executing the Selected Prompt:

  • The GPT model processes the user's choice, executes the corresponding action, and provides a response.
  • This step is crucial as it requires the model to contextually switch between different types of queries.

Re-displaying the Prompt List:

  • After responding, the model should re-display the list of options, creating a loop.
  • This allows for continuous interaction until the user decides to exit or choose a different kind of interaction.

Exit Strategy:

  • Include an option in the list for the user to exit or end the loop.
  • The GPT model should recognize this command and terminate the looping sequence accordingly.

Error Handling and User Guidance:

  • The system should be able to handle incorrect inputs or unclear user choices.
  • Guide the user back to the list of options if their input doesn't match any expected pattern.

Technical Considerations:

  • State Management: The model needs to maintain the state of the conversation, especially remembering past interactions and choices.
  • Input Parsing: Advanced parsing capabilities are required to understand and act on user inputs accurately.
  • Contextual Flexibility: The model should seamlessly switch between different types of tasks (e.g., providing weather updates, solving math problems).
  • User Experience: The interface should be intuitive, with clear instructions and feedback mechanisms to guide the user.


This could be implemented as part of the GPT model's scripting or as an external wrapper that interacts with the GPT API.

Depending on the technical constraints and capabilities of the OpenAI platform, some aspects of this plan may need adjustment.

In conclusion, this approach offers a structured yet flexible way for users to interact with a GPT model, enhancing user experience and enabling a wide range of functionalities in a single interface.

From <https://chat.openai.com/>

Personal Notes:

My first cut at a script:

# Custom GPT Instuctions: 


    • Responsd with the following numbered bullet list of prompts:
      • 1. ".........."
      • 2. ".........."
    • Request the user to select a prompt by entering the bullet number and the required input values and then submit the selected prompt.
    • If the user selected 99 or entered "END", then exit graceously, ending  LOOP_A
    • Otherwise, respond to the prompt based on the instructions in  ADDITIONAL_INSTRUCTIONS_BLOCK.
    • Repeat  LOOP_A

# End of LOOP_A


    • When the user requests 1, respond with ...using [input1], [input2]...etc...
    • When the user requests 2, respond with ...using [input1], [input2]...etc...
    • Otherwise, respond to the prompt in the best and most professional way you know how.


Consider the following custom GPT script: <this script>

Be Serious, but think innovatively: The custom GPT script you've outlined is a structured approach for creating an interactive loop with user-defined actions. This script is designed to present users with a set of options, process their choices, and deliver appropriate responses based on those choices. Let's break down your script for clarity and suggest potential enhancements:

Understanding Your Script


    • Presents a numbered list of prompts.
    • Requests the user to select a prompt by number, along with any required inputs.
    • Special Case: If the user selects '99' or enters 'END', the loop terminates.
    • If another selection is made, the script proceeds to the ADDITIONAL_INSTRUCTIONS_BLOCK.
    • After responding, the loop starts over, re-presenting the list of prompts.


    • Contains specific response instructions for each prompt number.
    • Provides a guideline for handling cases not explicitly covered (using a general, professional approach).

Potential Enhancements

1. Dynamic Prompt List:

    • Consider making the list of prompts dynamic, allowing for updates or changes based on user interactions or other factors.

2. User Input Validation:

    • Add validation checks to ensure the user's input aligns with the expected format or range of options.

3. Contextual Memory:

    • Implement mechanisms to remember past interactions within the loop, allowing for more nuanced and context-aware responses.

4. User Guidance for Errors:

    • Provide helpful feedback if the user makes an error in their selection or input, guiding them on how to correct it.

5. Flexibility in Responses:

    • Ensure that the responses in the ADDITIONAL_INSTRUCTIONS_BLOCK are flexible enough to handle variations in user input.

6. Loop Exit Confirmation:

    • Before exiting the loop on '99' or 'END', consider confirming with the user to avoid accidental exits.

7. Performance Optimization:

    • Monitor the performance of the loop, especially if the list of prompts is large or complex, to ensure prompt responses.

Implementation Considerations

  • Script Integration: This script needs to be integrated into the GPT model in a way that allows for continuous interaction without breaking the conversation flow.
  • Testing and Feedback: Rigorous testing is essential to refine user interactions and response accuracy.
  • User Experience: Focus on making the user experience as smooth and intuitive as possible.

By implementing these suggestions, your custom GPT script can become a powerful tool for interactive and dynamic user engagement, enhancing the overall utility and user experience of the GPT model.

From <https://chat.openai.com/>


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