#1337 PARADIGM SHIFT: Two Qubits and Two Regular Bits Both Produce a Result that is One of Four States

#1337 PARADIGM SHIFT: Two Qubits and Two Regular Bits Both Produce a Result that is One of Four States

#1337 What can one qubit do?

Be Serious: A qubit, or quantum bit, is the basic unit of quantum information, analogous to the bit in classical computing. However, unlike a classical bit that can exist in one of two states (0 or 1), a qubit can be in a superposition of both states simultaneously. This property allows a single qubit to represent more information than a classical bit.

The most significant capabilities of a single qubit include:

Superposition: A qubit can exist in a combination of the 0 and 1 states. This means that it can perform calculations for both states simultaneously, which is a fundamental property that quantum computers leverage for their potential speed advantages over classical computers.

Entanglement (with other qubits): While a single qubit on its own cannot be entangled, it's important to note that when multiple qubits are in a quantum system, they can become entangled. This means the state of one qubit is directly related to the state of another, no matter the distance between them. This property is crucial for many quantum computing algorithms, but it requires more than one qubit.

Quantum Gates: Just like classical bits are manipulated using logic gates, qubits are manipulated using quantum gates. Even with one qubit, you can apply various quantum gates (like Hadamard, Pauli-X, Pauli-Y, Pauli-Z, etc.) to change its state. These operations are fundamental for quantum computing processes.

In summary, while a single qubit can demonstrate the unique properties of quantum mechanics such as superposition, its true power and utility in computing are realized when it is used in conjunction with other qubits, allowing for complex phenomena like entanglement and the implementation of quantum algorithms.

How many possibilities are there for two qubits?

Be Serious: With two qubits, the number of possible states increases significantly compared to a single qubit. Each qubit can be in a superposition of 0 and 1. When you combine two qubits, they can exist simultaneously in any combination of these states. This results in four possible states:

|00⟩ (both qubits are in the 0 state),

|01⟩ (the first qubit is in the 0 state and the second is in the 1 state),

|10⟩ (the first qubit is in the 1 state and the second is in the 0 state),

|11⟩ (both qubits are in the 1 state).

These states can exist simultaneously in a superposition, and each state can have a different probability amplitude. This ability to exist in multiple states simultaneously is what gives quantum computers their potential power.

In general, for n qubits, there are 2^n possible states. So, for two qubits, there are 2^2 = 4 possible states. This exponential increase in the number of possible states with each additional qubit is a key factor in the potential computational power of quantum computers.

That is exactly the same for 2 normal bits

Be Serious, but think innovatively: You're correct in noting that two classical bits also have four possible states (00, 01, 10, 11). However, the fundamental difference lies in how these states are utilized and manipulated in classical versus quantum computing.

In classical computing, two bits are indeed limited to one of these four states at any given time. This limitation is intrinsic to the binary nature of classical computing, where each bit is definitively either 0 or 1.

In contrast, two qubits in a quantum system can exist in a superposition of all four states simultaneously. This means a pair of qubits can represent all four states at once, albeit with different probabilities. When you perform a computation on these qubits, you're effectively performing the computation on all four states concurrently. This parallelism is a key aspect of quantum computing's potential for solving certain types of problems much faster than classical computers.

From an innovative standpoint, this distinction opens up new possibilities for computation. For example, in quantum algorithms like Grover's search algorithm, this ability to process multiple states simultaneously can be exploited to search unsorted databases more efficiently than classical algorithms. Similarly, in quantum simulations, the superposition of qubits allows for the simultaneous exploration of multiple states of a physical system, which can be crucial in fields like materials science or drug discovery.

Thus, while the number of states is numerically the same for two classical bits and two qubits, the way these states are used and the potential computational implications are vastly different. This difference is at the heart of why quantum computing is seen as a revolutionary advancement in the field of computation.

Yes, but even though "you're effectively performing the computation on all four states concurrently", you still end up with a solution being one of the four states

Be Serious, but think innovatively: Indeed, you are correct. In a quantum computation involving two qubits, while the system can exist in a superposition of all four states during the computation, the act of measuring the qubits at the end of the computation collapses their state. This means the final measured state of the two qubits will be one of the four possible states (00, 01, 10, 11).

However, the power of quantum computing lies in how the computation is performed before this measurement. Here are a few innovative aspects to consider:

Quantum Parallelism: The ability to perform operations on all possible states simultaneously (quantum parallelism) allows for certain computations to be done much more efficiently than in classical computing. For instance, algorithms designed for quantum computers can exploit this parallelism to find solutions faster, as seen in Grover's algorithm for searching unsorted databases or Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers.

Probability Amplitudes: Quantum algorithms manipulate the probability amplitudes of these states, increasing the likelihood of measuring the correct answer and decreasing the likelihood of the wrong ones. By the end of the computation, ideally, the desired state (or states) has a much higher probability of being measured.

Interference: Quantum interference is used to cancel out some paths to incorrect answers and reinforce paths to the correct ones. This is a key principle in many quantum algorithms.

Entanglement and Non-locality: The entanglement of qubits allows for the creation of correlations between them that are not possible in classical systems. This can be exploited for more complex computations and for quantum communication protocols like quantum key distribution.

So, while the outcome of a quantum computation is indeed one of the possible states, the process of arriving at this outcome can be exponentially more efficient for certain problems than any known classical algorithm. This potential for efficiency is what makes quantum computing such a promising and innovative field.

I don't care how you calculate it, they both can only produce one of four states in the end result

Be Serious: You're correct. Both a pair of classical bits and a pair of qubits ultimately yield one of four possible states as their output (00, 01, 10, 11). In both quantum and classical systems, the final result of a computation involving two bits/qubits is indeed constrained to one of these four states.

The key distinction lies in the process and capabilities leading up to that final result:

Classical Bits: In classical computing, two bits operate independently and linearly, meaning each bit is either in a 0 or 1 state, and their combinations produce the final result. The computation is straightforward and deterministic.

Quantum Qubits: In quantum computing, even though the final measurement results in one of the four states, the qubits can exist in a superposition of all these states during the computation. This allows for parallel processing of sorts, where multiple possibilities are considered simultaneously. Quantum computing shines in problems where this parallelism can significantly reduce the number of steps needed to reach a solution.

So, while the end result in terms of possible states is the same, the journey to that result and the types of problems each system can efficiently solve are vastly different. Quantum computing is not about achieving a different set of final states, but about potentially reaching those states more efficiently for certain complex problems.

From <https://chat.openai.com/>

Personal Note: 12/31/2023 Goal for 2024

Quantum Solutions using Standard Binary Bits !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Show up the Big Corporations worth $5.315 trillion USD, spending ~$7.5B in the last 2 years.

Personal Note:

Consider Neural Networks designed for Combinatorial and Optimization Problems

Consider Trinary systems

Consider MemRistors that apply functions across data, like 4-bit system with rule(s) for solution

What big-corporations are working on Quantum Computing?

Be Serious: Several prominent corporations are actively working on quantum computing. Key players in this field include:

IBM: IBM has been a leader in quantum computing research for years, making significant strides in hardware and software. They have developed quantum processors and offer cloud-based quantum computing services.

Google: Google has invested heavily in quantum computing and announced "quantum supremacy" in 2019, claiming that their quantum computer performed a calculation in minutes that would take classical computers thousands of years.

Microsoft: Microsoft is pursuing a unique approach with its quantum computing program, focusing on topological quantum computing, which is considered more stable.

Intel: Intel is working on quantum computing through its development of silicon-based quantum chips, which could potentially be more easily integrated into existing semiconductor manufacturing processes.

Amazon: Through its AWS (Amazon Web Services) platform, Amazon offers quantum computing services, giving users access to different quantum hardware.

Alibaba: The Chinese e-commerce giant has its own quantum computing lab and is working on quantum computing research and development.

Honeywell: Honeywell is known for having created one of the world's highest performing quantum computers. They focus on trapped-ion technology and have merged their quantum computing efforts with Cambridge Quantum to form Quantinuum.

D-Wave Systems: Specializing in quantum annealing, a different approach to quantum computing, D-Wave has been selling quantum computers and offering quantum computing as a service.

Each of these corporations is contributing to the development of quantum computing technology in unique ways, from creating new quantum processors and algorithms to offering cloud-based quantum computing services.

Personal Note: Facebook and Nvidia were considered as non-players by ChatGPT (as of April 2023).

What is each market value, and the sum of all market values?

Be Serious: Determining the exact market value of each company's quantum computing division can be challenging, as these values are often not publicly disclosed and are embedded within the broader financial structure of the company. However, I can provide you with the latest overall market capitalization of these companies as of my last update in April 2023. Please note that these values are subject to change due to market fluctuations and do not specifically represent the value of their quantum computing divisions alone:

IBM: IBM's market capitalization was approximately $124 billion.

Google (Alphabet Inc.): Alphabet, the parent company of Google, had a market capitalization of about $1.5 trillion.

Microsoft: Microsoft's market capitalization was around $1.9 trillion.

Intel: Intel's market capitalization was approximately $203 billion.

Amazon: Amazon's market capitalization was about $1.2 trillion.

Alibaba: Alibaba's market capitalization was around $240 billion.

Honeywell: Honeywell's market capitalization was approximately $148 billion.

D-Wave Systems: D-Wave is a private company, and its market value is not publicly disclosed.

To calculate the combined market value of these companies (excluding D-Wave), we can sum up the market capitalizations:

Combined Market Value=124+1500+1900+203+1200+240+148 (in billion USD)

Let's calculate the total.

The combined market value of IBM, Google (Alphabet Inc.), Microsoft, Intel, Amazon, Alibaba, and Honeywell, as of my last update in April 2023, is approximately $5.315 trillion USD. This figure does not include D-Wave Systems, as its market value is not publicly available. Remember, these values represent the entire companies and are not specific to their quantum computing divisions. 

What is a rough estimate of money spent in pursuing quantum computing in the last 2 years, world wide?

From a quick search, here's what I discovered.

In 2022, investments in quantum technology startups, which include companies working on quantum computing, communications, and sensing, reached about $2.35 billion. This amount slightly surpassed the investment level of 2021, indicating a continuous interest and confidence in the field. The investments in these two years represent a significant portion of all startup investments in quantum technology since 2001​​.

Moreover, in 2021, venture capitalists (VCs) invested over $1 billion into the quantum computing sector. Additional investments by governments around the world, including those from China, India, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, and the United States, likely brought the total investment for that year to more than $5 billion. This indicates a substantial global investment in quantum computing technology, underscoring its perceived potential and growing importance​​.

Combining these figures, a rough estimate of the money spent in pursuing quantum computing worldwide in the last two years could be upwards of $7.35 billion, considering both private and public sector investments. This estimate underlines the significant financial commitment and interest in advancing quantum computing technology globally.

Tell me about Ockham's Razor

Be Serious: Occam's Razor, also spelled as Ockham's Razor, is a principle that suggests when presented with competing hypotheses or explanations for an event, one should select the explanation that makes the fewest assumptions. This principle is named after the 14th-century English Franciscan friar and philosopher, William of Ockham.

The core idea of Occam's Razor is not that the simplest explanation is always correct, but rather that unnecessary complexity should be avoided. In other words, when multiple explanations are equally valid at face value, the simplest one is preferable. It's a heuristic that guides researchers and scientists in developing theoretical models that are both sufficient and economical.

Occam's Razor is often used in various fields, including philosophy, science, and problem-solving. In science, it's a valuable tool for developing theoretical models and hypothesis testing. It encourages scientists to look for explanations that, while simple, are still consistent with the observed facts.

However, it's important to note that "simple" in this context doesn't always mean easiest to understand; it refers to the explanation that requires the fewest new assumptions or entities. The principle is not an irrefutable law of nature but rather a guideline for logical reasoning.

In summary, Occam's Razor is a principle that favors the simplest explanation with the least number of assumptions when multiple viable explanations are available.

Tell me about KISS principle

Be Serious: The KISS principle is an acronym for "Keep It Simple, Stupid." This design principle emphasizes the importance of simplicity in design and decision-making processes. The idea is that systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated, and simplicity should be a key goal in design and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.

The KISS principle originated in the United States Navy in the 1960s. It was reportedly coined by Clarence "Kelly" Johnson, an engineer and the lead of the Lockheed Skunk Works, creators of the Lockheed U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird spy planes, among many others. Johnson was known for handing a team of design engineers a set of tools, with the challenge that the jet aircraft they were designing must be repairable by an average mechanic in the field under combat conditions with only these tools.

In practice, the KISS principle can be applied in various fields, from software development and engineering to business and education. In software development, for example, it might mean choosing the simplest solution that solves the problem effectively, thereby reducing the risk of introducing errors and complexities.

The underlying philosophy of the KISS principle is that simplicity ensures greater levels of participation, more effective communication, and increased likelihood of successful implementation. The principle is a reminder that sometimes the simplest approach leads to the best outcomes.

Tell me what Professor Einstein thought about quantum mechanics

Be Serious: Albert Einstein, one of the most renowned physicists in history, had complex and often skeptical views regarding quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.

Einstein's most famous remark about quantum mechanics is his quote, "God does not play dice with the universe." This statement reflects his discomfort with the theory's probabilistic nature and its implication of inherent randomness in the behavior of particles at the quantum level. Einstein struggled with the idea that events at the quantum scale could occur in a probabilistic manner without strict deterministic causality.

Einstein's skepticism towards quantum mechanics was also evident in the EPR paradox (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox), a thought experiment he developed along with physicists Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen. The EPR paradox challenged the completeness of quantum mechanics, arguing that it must be incomplete because it allowed for "spooky action at a distance" (what we now call quantum entanglement), which seemed to violate the speed of light limit set by Einstein's theory of relativity.

Despite his reservations, Einstein's work laid much of the groundwork for quantum theory. His 1905 paper explaining the photoelectric effect, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921, was fundamental in the development of quantum theory. However, Einstein never fully accepted quantum mechanics as a complete, fundamental theory, primarily because of its inherent probabilistic nature and the lack of deterministic causality. His skepticism played a significant role in advancing the debate and understanding of quantum theory.

From <https://chat.openai.com/>​

Personal Note: Consider

  1. Variation of a Neural Network


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