#2436 Gravity Cooling System; Condensation and Atmospheric Water Generation

#2436 Gravity Cooling System; Condensation and Atmospheric Water Generation

New cooling system works on gravity instead of electricity


Cooling systems  ... device needs no electricity, as it extracts water from the air using nothing more than gravity and relies on cheap, readily available materials. Along with keeping the solar cells and other semiconductor technologies cool, the water can be repurposed for irrigation, washing, cooling buildings on which the solar cells are placed, and other applications.

Scientists estimate that the atmosphere contains six times more water than all the fresh water in the rivers combined. "This water can be collected by atmospheric water harvesting technologies,"

One reason for the low efficiency is that the water adheres to the surface of the harvesting device.

... found that by adding a lubricant coating that is a mix of a commercial polymer and silicon oil, they could collect more water by relying on only gravity.

"A common challenge in atmospheric water harvesting systems is that water droplets tend to remain pinned to the surface [of the device], necessitating active condensate collection. Our coating effectively eliminated pinning, enabling true passive water collection driven by water,"

The solution is based on previous technology made by Gan, which he describes as "vertical double-sided architecture." That system was originally designed to reflect thermal heat back to the sky to keep the solar cells cool but not to capture the water produced.

#2436 Describe glass coatings that repel water

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Glass coatings that repel water are known as hydrophobic coatings. These coatings create a surface on the glass that resists the adherence of water, causing water droplets to form beads and roll off instead of spreading. This phenomenon is often referred to as the Lotus Effect, named after the way water behaves on lotus leaves.

Types of Hydrophobic Coatings for Glass:

  1. Silicone-Based Coatings:

    • Composition: Made with compounds like silicone or fluoropolymers, which have low surface energy.
    • Properties: These coatings repel water, dust, and dirt, making them ideal for windows, windshields, and solar panels.
    • Durability: They offer decent durability but may wear off over time with exposure to the elements.
  2. Fluoropolymer-Based Coatings:

    • Composition: Contain fluorine atoms that repel water and oil.
    • Properties: Extremely hydrophobic and oleophobic (repels oils). Often used for automotive applications like windshield coatings or protective coatings on lenses.
    • Durability: Known for being more durable than silicone-based coatings but can be more expensive.
  3. Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Coatings:

    • Composition: These are photocatalytic coatings that use titanium dioxide to provide a self-cleaning surface. When exposed to sunlight, TiO2 breaks down organic materials and dirt.
    • Properties: Hydrophobic in nature, but also photocatalytic, meaning it helps break down contaminants on the glass.
    • Durability: Long-lasting and especially effective on building facades and solar panels where self-cleaning is a benefit.
  4. Silica-Based Coatings:

    • Composition: Made from nanostructured silica, which provides a micro-rough surface that enhances hydrophobicity.
    • Properties: These coatings can create a highly water-repellent surface due to their nanostructure, causing water droplets to bounce off the surface.
    • Durability: Offers high durability and resistance to abrasion, commonly used for high-performance applications.


  • Automotive Glass: Hydrophobic coatings improve visibility during rain and reduce the need for windshield wipers.
  • Architectural Glass: Used in windows and building facades to prevent water spots and reduce maintenance.
  • Solar Panels: Helps maintain efficiency by reducing dust and water build-up.
  • Eyewear and Camera Lenses: Protects lenses from water and smudges, keeping them clear in various conditions.

These coatings enhance the performance of glass surfaces by reducing water adhesion, helping maintain clarity, cleanliness, and reducing the frequency of cleaning.

Do these coating work on other materials as well?

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Yes, hydrophobic coatings that repel water can be applied to other materials besides glass. These coatings are effective on a variety of surfaces, depending on the material’s properties and the specific type of hydrophobic coating used. Here's how these coatings work on different materials:

1. Metal:

  • Effectiveness: Hydrophobic coatings can be applied to metals like aluminum, steel, and titanium. These coatings can protect metals from corrosion, water damage, and contamination.
  • Applications: Common in marine environments, automotive parts, and machinery to prevent rust and wear.

2. Plastic:

  • Effectiveness: Plastics such as polycarbonate, polyethylene, and acrylic can also be treated with hydrophobic coatings. These coatings help reduce moisture retention, making plastics more resistant to water, dirt, and oil.
  • Applications: Used in consumer electronics, automotive components, and packaging to enhance water resistance.

3. Fabric and Textiles:

  • Effectiveness: Hydrophobic coatings are often used on fabrics like cotton, polyester, and nylon to make them water-repellent without affecting breathability.
  • Applications: Popular in outdoor clothing, tents, and upholstery. Coatings like DWR (Durable Water Repellent) are often applied to jackets and other outdoor gear to keep them dry in rainy conditions.

4. Wood:

  • Effectiveness: Wood can also be treated with hydrophobic coatings, which helps prevent water absorption, swelling, and warping.
  • Applications: Used in outdoor furniture, decking, and construction materials to improve durability and reduce maintenance needs.

5. Ceramics and Stone:

  • Effectiveness: Hydrophobic coatings are often applied to ceramics and stones to protect them from water damage, staining, and erosion.
  • Applications: Commonly used on bathroom tiles, countertops, and outdoor stone features, where water resistance is important.

6. Concrete:

  • Effectiveness: Hydrophobic coatings can help concrete surfaces repel water, preventing degradation from moisture and freeze-thaw cycles.
  • Applications: Used in construction, especially for driveways, bridges, and other infrastructure, to increase longevity and reduce water-related damage.

7. Electronics:

  • Effectiveness: Hydrophobic nano-coatings can be applied to electronic components to protect them from water and moisture without affecting performance.
  • Applications: Used in smartphones, hearing aids, and other small electronics to offer water protection in wet environments.


Hydrophobic coatings work on a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, fabrics, wood, ceramics, stone, and even electronics. The coatings provide water repellency and other benefits like reducing corrosion, contamination, and maintenance across various applications and industries. The performance depends on the specific material and the type of hydrophobic coating applied.

Describe the methods of forming condensation from water vapor

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Condensation from water vapor occurs when water vapor in the air cools down and changes into liquid form. This process can be achieved through various methods, each relying on creating the right conditions for water vapor to reach its dew point—the temperature at which condensation begins. Below are the key methods for forming condensation from water vapor:

1. Cooling Air to Dew Point (Passive Condensation):

  • Method: This is the most common natural process, where air is cooled to its dew point, causing the water vapor to condense into droplets. This can happen when warm, moist air comes into contact with a colder surface.
  • Example: Dew forming on grass in the morning or water droplets on a cold glass of water.
  • Process:
    1. Warm air carries moisture in the form of water vapor.
    2. When the air temperature drops to the dew point (due to cooling), the vapor condenses into liquid.
  • Applications: Dew collectors, passive cooling systems, and fog nets that capture water from the air in arid regions.

2. Mechanical Cooling (Active Condensation):

  • Method: In this method, water vapor is condensed using active cooling devices like refrigerators, air conditioners, or dehumidifiers. These devices lower the temperature of air or surfaces, causing the moisture in the air to condense into liquid.
  • Example: Water forming on air conditioner coils or inside dehumidifiers.
  • Process:
    1. Air is passed over cold coils or surfaces.
    2. The temperature of the air drops below the dew point, causing water vapor to condense.
  • Applications: Air conditioning, refrigeration, dehumidifiers, and atmospheric water generators (AWGs) for producing fresh water from air.

3. Compression and Expansion (Pressurized Condensation):

  • Method: This method involves compressing moist air, which increases its pressure and temperature. When the air is then rapidly expanded, it cools down, causing water vapor to condense.
  • Example: Condensation in pneumatic systems or gas turbines.
  • Process:
    1. Moist air is compressed, increasing its temperature.
    2. Upon rapid expansion, the air cools, lowering the temperature to the dew point, leading to condensation.
  • Applications: Industrial air compressors, gas turbines, and water recovery systems in spacecraft.

4. Surface Cooling via Heat Exchange (Thermal Condensation):

  • Method: In this method, water vapor condenses on surfaces through heat exchange. A colder surface (like a metal or glass surface) absorbs heat from the surrounding air, causing the air to cool and the water vapor to condense.
  • Example: Condensation forming on the outside of a cold soda can.
  • Process:
    1. A cold surface exchanges heat with moist air, cooling the nearby air to its dew point.
    2. Water vapor condenses on the surface as droplets.
  • Applications: Heat exchangers, water distillation systems, and cooling towers.

5. Desiccant Condensation (Moisture Absorption and Release):

  • Method: Desiccants are materials that absorb moisture from the air. Once the desiccant becomes saturated with water vapor, heating it can release the absorbed water through condensation.
  • Example: Desiccant-based dehumidifiers.
  • Process:
    1. A desiccant absorbs moisture from the air, trapping water vapor.
    2. The desiccant is then heated to release the trapped moisture as liquid water through condensation.
  • Applications: Desiccant-based air conditioning, dehumidifiers, and moisture control systems.

6. Electrostatic Condensation:

  • Method: This method uses electric fields to attract water vapor and force it to condense. The electrostatic charge creates an environment where water vapor clusters together, forming droplets.
  • Example: Electrostatic fog collection or certain types of atmospheric water generation.
  • Process:
    1. An electric field is applied to moist air.
    2. Water vapor particles are attracted to charged surfaces and condense as liquid water.
  • Applications: Fog collection systems and water harvesters in arid environments.

7. Solar-Assisted Condensation:

  • Method: In this method, solar energy heats moist air, which is then cooled as it moves into a cooler zone, causing condensation. This process can also be enhanced using solar stills, where sunlight evaporates water, and the vapor condenses on a cool surface.
  • Example: Solar stills used for desalination or water extraction in desert environments.
  • Process:
    1. Solar energy heats the air or water, causing evaporation.
    2. The vapor is trapped and cooled, leading to condensation on a cooler surface.
  • Applications: Water harvesting in desert regions, desalination, and survival gear for water collection.

8. Fog Nets (Passive Collection):

  • Method: Fog nets are used in regions with heavy fog or mist to collect water from the air. As fog or mist passes through the mesh, water droplets condense on the surface of the net.
  • Example: Fog water collection in arid mountainous regions.
  • Process:
    1. Fog or mist passes through a fine mesh net.
    2. Water droplets condense on the fibers of the net, accumulating into larger droplets that fall into a collection basin.
  • Applications: Sustainable water collection systems in dry regions with foggy climates.


Condensation from water vapor can be formed through various natural and mechanical methods, including passive cooling, mechanical cooling, pressure changes, desiccant-based absorption, and electrostatic fields. Each method is applicable to different environmental and industrial contexts, depending on the goal of water collection or cooling.

Describe how air with water vapor can be moved through a tube of varying widths that might enhance condensation

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Moving air with water vapor through a tube of varying widths can enhance condensation by manipulating air pressure, velocity, and temperature along the tube. Here’s how these factors work together to promote condensation:

1. Varying Tube Widths and Airflow Dynamics:

  • As air moves through a tube, changes in width will affect the velocity and pressure of the air, which in turn influences the temperature and condensation.
  • According to the Venturi Effect, when air moves through a narrower section of the tube, its velocity increases, and its pressure decreases. Conversely, in wider sections, the air slows down and the pressure increases. This can cause fluctuations in the air temperature and promote condensation under the right conditions.

2. Enhanced Condensation in Narrow Sections:

  • Increased Velocity: In narrow sections of the tube, air speeds up. Although the pressure drops, this increased velocity alone doesn’t cause condensation. However, when the air then enters a wider section of the tube, the change in speed and pressure can create the necessary conditions for condensation.
  • Pressure Drop: When air pressure decreases in a narrow section, the temperature of the air can also drop slightly (depending on the overall system design), possibly bringing it closer to the dew point, promoting some condensation.
  • Result: While the actual condensation in narrow sections may be minimal, this setup helps prepare the water vapor for more efficient condensation in subsequent sections.

3. Condensation in Wider Sections (Cooling Zones):

  • Decreased Velocity: As the air enters a wider section, the airflow slows down, causing a rise in pressure. This pressure increase can slightly raise the temperature, but if the wider section has cooling mechanisms (e.g., through heat exchange or cold surfaces), the air temperature can drop significantly.
  • Cooling Effect: When the air cools down in these wider sections, it’s more likely to reach or drop below the dew point, causing water vapor to condense into liquid droplets.
  • Surface Contact: If the tube walls are designed to stay cool (via a heat exchanger or other cooling methods), the water vapor will condense on the walls of the wider section, forming droplets that can be collected.

4. Optimizing Tube Design for Maximum Condensation:

  • Multiple Narrow and Wide Sections: Alternating between narrow and wide sections of the tube can enhance condensation by repeatedly manipulating air pressure and velocity. Each wide section can act as a cooling zone, where the water vapor condenses more efficiently after passing through a narrower section.
  • Cooling the Tube Walls: Applying cooling mechanisms (such as refrigerant coils or external cooling) to the wider sections of the tube helps lower the air temperature quickly. This encourages water vapor to condense faster and more effectively on the tube’s walls.
  • Surface Texturing: Adding rough or textured surfaces to the inside of the tube in wider sections can increase the area available for water vapor to condense, speeding up the process of collecting liquid water.

5. Condensation Through Compression and Expansion:

  • Narrow Section: When air is forced through a narrow section of the tube, the air compresses slightly, increasing its velocity and lowering its pressure. After this compression, when the air expands into a wider section, the temperature drops, facilitating condensation.
  • Expanding Air: As air expands, it cools rapidly, and if the cooling brings the air temperature below the dew point, the water vapor will condense into liquid form. This is the basis of many industrial air compression-based water recovery systems.

6. Examples of Application:

  • Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs): These devices use condensation principles by forcing moist air through tubes or channels with varying widths, often combined with cooling mechanisms, to extract water from the air.
  • Dehumidifiers: Some dehumidifiers use tubes or coils where air is compressed and then expanded into cooler zones to condense water vapor from humid air.
  • Water Harvesting from Fog: Air containing fog can be directed through varying-width tubes to encourage condensation on surfaces, making it easier to collect water in dry or foggy regions.


Moving air with water vapor through tubes of varying widths enhances condensation by utilizing changes in pressure, velocity, and temperature. Narrow sections of the tube increase air velocity and decrease pressure, while wider sections slow the air down and can be designed to cool it, bringing it closer to the dew point. This combination of airflow dynamics, combined with external cooling or surface contact, makes the process of condensing water from air more efficient.

Would this process be enhanced or diminished by moving the air through a pipe in desert hot temperature sections and though a pipe in soil cool sections (possibly watered down itself)?

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The process of moving air with water vapor through a pipe in desert hot sections followed by a cooler soil section (possibly watered down to enhance cooling) would likely enhance condensation due to the controlled manipulation of temperature differences. Here's how and why this would work:

1. Hot Desert Section (Warming the Air):

  • Increased Water Vapor Capacity: In the hot desert section, air would become warmer as it passes through the pipe, increasing its ability to hold water vapor (relative humidity decreases as air temperature increases). This heating process does not promote condensation directly but can prepare the air for condensation later when it cools down. The hot section essentially "loads" the air with water vapor.
  • Potential for Evaporation: If any liquid water droplets are present in the pipe, the hot section might cause some evaporation, further increasing the moisture content of the air. The air becomes super-saturated with moisture but requires cooling for condensation to occur.

2. Cool Soil Section (Cooling the Air):

  • Rapid Cooling: As the warm, moisture-laden air enters the cool soil section of the pipe (especially if the soil is watered down), the temperature of the air will decrease. This cooling brings the air closer to the dew point, where water vapor begins to condense into liquid form.
  • Condensation Trigger: Since the air in the hot desert section was heated to hold more water vapor, the sudden cooling in the soil section will force the air’s moisture to condense. This is because cooler air has a lower capacity to hold water vapor, and as the air temperature drops, relative humidity increases until it reaches 100%, at which point condensation starts to form.

3. Temperature Gradient Enhancement:

  • The larger the temperature difference between the hot and cool sections, the more effective the condensation process will be. Moving from a hot section (where the air is saturated with vapor) to a cool section (which lowers the air temperature significantly) enhances the condensation efficiency.
  • Cool Soil Effect: The soil acts as a natural heat sink, drawing heat away from the air. If the soil is watered down, it can further enhance cooling through evaporative cooling around the pipe. This cooler environment can drastically reduce the air temperature inside the pipe, making condensation more likely.

4. Thermodynamic Considerations:

  • Adiabatic Cooling: When the warm, moist air enters the cooler section, its temperature will drop, and this cooling might happen rapidly, causing a pressure change that enhances condensation. This is similar to how air expands and cools when it moves from a high-pressure, high-temperature region to a low-pressure, low-temperature region.
  • Heat Transfer Efficiency: The efficiency of heat transfer in the soil section will depend on factors like soil moisture, the depth of the pipe, and the duration the air spends in the cool section. Moist soil cools the air more effectively than dry soil due to water's higher heat capacity.

5. Optimizing Condensation in the Soil Section:

  • Extended Cooling: To maximize condensation, ensuring the pipe is long enough in the soil section would allow the air to cool sufficiently before exiting the system. Longer exposure to cooler conditions increases the chances for water vapor to reach the dew point.
  • Surface Contact: The inner surface of the pipe in the cool soil section can also be designed to encourage condensation by being smooth, cold, or textured to maximize surface area for droplet formation.

6. Real-World Analogies:

  • Desert Fog Nets: In some desert environments, fog nets are used to capture water from moist air. These nets cool air and collect moisture in a similar way, though this process occurs in open air rather than pipes.
  • Geothermal Cooling: Similar principles are used in geothermal cooling systems, where pipes are buried underground to take advantage of cooler soil temperatures to exchange heat. This concept can be applied here for cooling air for condensation.


This method of moving air through a hot desert section followed by a cool soil section would enhance the condensation process. The hot section increases the air’s moisture capacity, and the cool soil section forces the air temperature to drop, triggering condensation. By optimizing the temperature gradient and ensuring adequate cooling time and contact with cool surfaces, this approach would efficiently produce condensation from water vapor in the air.

Tell me more about adiabatic cooling

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Adiabatic cooling is a process in which the temperature of a gas (or air) decreases without any heat being exchanged with the surrounding environment. Instead, the cooling occurs due to changes in pressure and volume. In simple terms, it happens when air expands and cools without gaining or losing heat to its surroundings.

Key Principles of Adiabatic Cooling:

  1. No Heat Exchange: During adiabatic processes, there is no transfer of heat between the air and its environment. The temperature changes purely due to changes in pressure and volume, which is why it's called adiabatic (Greek for "not passing through").

  2. Expansion and Cooling: When air is allowed to expand, it does work on its surroundings. The energy used for this expansion comes from the internal energy of the air itself, causing its temperature to decrease. This is the basic principle of adiabatic cooling.

  3. Compression and Heating: The reverse is also true. When air is compressed, it heats up because the work done on the air increases its internal energy.

Formula for Adiabatic Process:

The relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature in an adiabatic process can be described by the following equation:

P×Vγ=constantP \times V^{\gamma} = \text{constant}


  • PP is the pressure of the gas.
  • VV is the volume.
  • γ\gamma is the adiabatic index (ratio of specific heats, Cp/CvC_p/C_v, where CpC_p is the specific heat at constant pressure and CvC_v is the specific heat at constant volume).

The temperature and pressure also follow this relationship: T×Vγ1=constantT \times V^{\gamma - 1} = \text{constant}

This shows that as volume increases (expansion), temperature decreases (cooling) and vice versa.

Adiabatic Cooling in the Atmosphere:

Adiabatic cooling plays a significant role in atmospheric processes and weather patterns. The adiabatic lapse rate is the rate at which the temperature of a parcel of air changes as it moves vertically through the atmosphere, expanding or compressing without exchanging heat with its environment.

Types of Adiabatic Processes in the Atmosphere:

  1. Dry Adiabatic Cooling:

    • Description: Occurs when unsaturated air (air that contains less than 100% relative humidity) rises and expands in the atmosphere. As it expands, it cools at a rate of approximately 10°C per 1000 meters of altitude.
    • Example: A rising air mass near a mountain range expands and cools as it ascends, leading to the potential for cloud formation or precipitation if it cools to the dew point.
  2. Moist (Saturated) Adiabatic Cooling:

    • Description: When rising air contains sufficient moisture and reaches its dew point, condensation begins. The latent heat released during condensation slows down the cooling rate compared to dry adiabatic cooling. The moist adiabatic lapse rate is typically around 5°C to 6°C per 1000 meters.
    • Example: When a warm, humid air mass rises, it cools more slowly once condensation begins, leading to cloud formation and possibly precipitation.

Applications of Adiabatic Cooling:

  1. Cooling Towers:

    • Description: Cooling towers in industrial plants and HVAC systems use adiabatic cooling to lower the temperature of air or water by allowing it to expand and release heat.
    • Process: Water is sprayed into a stream of air. As the air rises and expands, it cools, causing the water to evaporate and cool the surrounding air or machinery.
  2. Adiabatic Cooling in HVAC Systems:

    • Description: Some HVAC systems use adiabatic processes to cool air without refrigerants by taking advantage of the temperature drop when air expands.
    • Process: Evaporative cooling systems use adiabatic cooling to lower air temperature by passing it through wetted surfaces, where it absorbs moisture and expands, leading to cooling.
  3. Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs):

    • Description: Some AWGs use adiabatic cooling to extract water from the air. As the air is cooled adiabatically, the temperature drops below the dew point, causing water vapor to condense and be collected.
  4. High-Altitude Flight and Mountain Climbers:

    • Description: At high altitudes, the reduced atmospheric pressure allows air to expand, causing adiabatic cooling. This is why temperatures drop as you ascend in altitude, which can affect aviation and mountaineering.

Example of Adiabatic Cooling in Action:

  • Föhn Wind (Chinook Winds): These are warm, dry winds on the leeward side of a mountain range. Moist air rises up the windward side of the mountain, cooling adiabatically. Once it reaches the top, the air dries out, and as it descends on the leeward side, it compresses and heats up, resulting in a warm, dry wind at lower altitudes.


Adiabatic cooling occurs when air expands without heat exchange with the environment, causing the temperature to drop. It's an essential process in atmospheric science, HVAC systems, and cooling towers. Its applications rely on controlling pressure and volume changes to induce temperature shifts, making it useful in both natural and industrial processes for efficient cooling without external energy input.

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