#2518 Apple 6502 Assembly

#2518 Apple 6502 Assembly

#2518 Provide 6502 assembly code to add to numbers

Here is a simple example of 6502 assembly code to add two numbers:

LDX #$00 ; Initialize X register to 0
LDA #$05 ; Load the first number into the accumulator (let's say 5) CLC ; Clear carry flag ADC #$03 ; Add the second number to the accumulator (let's say 3) STA $0200 ; Store the result in memory location $0200 BRK ; Break (end of program)


  • LDX #$00 initializes the X register, although it isn't necessary for this particular addition, it's good practice to initialize registers when needed.
  • LDA #$05 loads the first number (5 in this case) into the accumulator (A register).
  • CLC clears the carry flag, which ensures no carry from previous operations interferes.
  • ADC #$03 adds the second number (3) to the number in the accumulator.
  • STA $0200 stores the result in memory address $0200.
  • BRK ends the program.

In this example, the two numbers 5 and 3 are added, and the result (8) is stored in memory location $0200.

Let me know if you need a more complex example or additional instructions!

From <https://chatgpt.com/>


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